Migrating to Zabbix appliance should be less maintenance but there are some things to set up. Change time zone cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Vilnius /etc/localtime Install & enable VM guest agent yum install qemu-guest-agent systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent Migrating an existing database one usually needs to change zabbix cache size to something bigger vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf CacheSize=1G As I am migrating a database I need more space in the appliance so this was helpful by Elier Herrera...
Reinstalling a MacOS Sierra Mac - No bag entry
Some MacOS Sierra Mac’s don’t let you reinstall (Option-Shift-Command-R default MacOS version or Option-Command-R new version) MacOS. I got these handy instructions from Mr. Macintosh. In Terminal do: curl -L https://archive.org/download/sierraurl/sierra.txt Open new Terminal, Check date & time to make sure it is correct date If not correct make sure you are connected to wifi or ethernet and run this command ntpdate -u time.apple.com Change directory to Macintosh HD cd /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD Download the macOS Sierra 10....
How to import new TLS certificate into UNIFI wifi controller
This is how I fix the unifi controller in terminal: openssl pkey -in example.key -traditional -out transformed-private.key java -jar /usr/lib/unifi/lib/ace.jar import_key_cert transformed-private.key example.crt example.ca